Supporting documentation for users of the TrackEcho iOS app..

Contacting the development team

If you have some suggestions, issues or compliments relating to TrackEcho, when you have already downloaded the app and read the other help pages, you may want to contact the development team for support.

You can find out who we are and how to contact us by email in the first couple of answers in the FAQ page.

If you have a usage issue, and it seems to be with the app, rather than a device or Apple iOS detail, you may find it useful to view the app STATUS screen which is found towards the end of the settings (customisation) screens, which are entered by tapping the bottom SET tab on the app tab bar.
This displays some information about versions and counts, which looks pretty dull, but we might ask you about these values in an email discussion, if needed, to try and understand the circumstances of your app.

About links in More (below):
INFO is the short help page (as seen in the app itself),
HELP is a much more detailed help page (web only),
FAQ is a large list of questions and answers (web only).
